The basic electricity tariff, or commonly abbreviated as TDL, is the rate that the government may charge for PLN customers. PLN is the only company that is allowed to sell electricity directly to the people of Indonesia.

The basic rate of electricity per kwh (electricity tdl) charged to consumers has been regulated by the regulations of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources or what we usually call the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. For the determination of electricity tariffs, it is differentiated based on tariff groups.

This adjustment rate adjustment is announced every three months (whether the fee is fixed or changes), but for now the announcement is made every month. Now you need to know the basic electricity rate per Kwh so you can specify whether your electricity costs are appropriate or not. To find out about this, check out the following articles to get the following inspiration:

  • Cost per Kwh Class of Electricity Tariff
  • Types of Electricity Tariff Classes
  • How to Check Electric Power to Determine the Class of Electricity Rates
  • The difference between subsidized and non-subsidized electricity rates

Cost per Kwh Class of Electricity Tariff

In determining the cost per KwH of the basic electricity rate, the government makes adjustments to non-subsidized electricity rates which are evaluated every three months based on the average change in the Rupiah exchange rate against the United States Dollar (US), Indonesian crude oil prices (ICP), inflation and the coal benchmark price. .

The electricity tariff for October 2022 is as follows:

  • Subsidized 450 VA Household Customers Rp. 415/kWh.
  • Subsidized 900 VA Household Customers Rp. 605/kWh.
  • Household customers with 900 VA RTM power (affordable households) of IDR 1,352/kWh.
  • Power Household Customers 1,300-2,200 VA of IDR 1,444.70/kWh.
  • Household customers with power of 3,500 and above Rp. 1,699.53/kWh.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has decided that tariff adjustments for the October-December 2022 period for 13 non-subsidized customers will not change or remain the same. This decision was taken by the energy and mineral resources authorities referring to the realization of macroeconomic indicators from May to July 2022.

Types of Electricity Tariff Classes

In practice, electric power consists of various types. This is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 28 of 2016 wherein the regulation states that there are 8 categories of electricity and 3 of them are as follows.

1. Household Electricity

The first type is electric power for households. In this type, the existing power is divided into 3 different groups as described below.

  • Low voltage R-1 group (R-1/TR) consisting of 450 VA, 900 VA, 900 VA-RTM, 1,300 VA, 2,200 VA
  • Low voltage R-2 group (R-2/TR) consisting of 3,500 VA – 5,500 VA
  • Low voltage R-3 group (R-3/TR) with a power of 6,600 VA

2. Social Service Electricity

Electricity for social services is devoted to social activities, be it purely social or commercial social activities. As with electrical power for household needs, in social services, electricity is also divided into several groups. With details as below.

  • Low voltage S-1 class (S-1/TR) with 220 VA power
  • Low voltage S-2 class (S-2/TR) with 220 VA – 220 KVA power
  • Medium voltage S-3 class (S-3/TM) with power above 220 KVA

3. Business Electricity

Electrical power for business purposes is divided into 3 different groups which are determined by the scale of the business. That includes electricity for small-scale businesses, medium-scale businesses, and large-scale businesses.

  • Low voltage B-1 group (B-1/TR) with a power of 450 VA up to 5,500 VA. Intended for small-scale businesses.
  • Low voltage B-2 class (B-2/TR) with powers ranging from 6,600 to 200 kVA. This type of electricity is intended for medium-sized businesses.
  • Low voltage B-3 class (B-3/TR) with a power of more than 200 kVA. This type of electricity is intended for large-scale businesses.

How to Check Electric Power to Determine the Class of Electricity Rates

One way that can be easily done is to check the house meter. Namely checking the electricity meter that has certain codes, for example, just the CL code.

If we pay attention to the electricity meter at home, usually there is a CL code on the meter.

The CL code contains information on usable electric power. The meaning of the CL code listed includes:

1. CL 2 : 450 kVA

2. CL 4: 900 kVA

3. CL 6: 1,300 kVA

4. CL 10 : 2,200 kVA

5. CL 16: 3,500 kVA

The unit kVa or kilo volt amperes represents real power plus active power. Electric power can also be calculated manually based on the numbers listed after the CL code. For example, CL 4. The number 4 is multiplied by the base power of 220 kVA. So that CL 4 produces 880 kVA of power. The calculation results are then rounded up to the closest number, namely 900 kVa.

Every house or building has been given standard electric power by PLN, starting from 450, 900, 1300 and 2,200 KVA, maybe even more (usually for business or industry). The higher the power used, the greater the electricity costs imposed on users.

Another determining factor is the number of electrical devices and the wattage of the device used. If the electric power in your house is not large (low), then of course we have to adjust the use of electric devices to the power capacity we have.

That's how to check electric power to determine your electricity tariff group. When you want to buy a house, make sure your electricity is sufficient and as needed. The following is a list of residences in the Jambi area for your reference who are looking for housing in the province of Sumatra!

The difference between subsidized and non-subsidized electricity rates

If you are still confused about the difference between subsidized and non-subsidized electricity rates, then you can find out with the explanation below.

1. Cost Reduction

Subsidized electricity is known to have lower costs, because it gets injections of financial assistance from the government.

In contrast to non-subsidized electricity, which does not get fee relief, it tends to be slightly more expensive than subsidized electricity.

2. Electrical Power

The difference between subsidized and non-subsidized electricity is also related to the electricity provided.

Electricity for this type of subsidy only has a power of 900 VA and not more than 1,000 VA.

3. Allocate Use

Subsidized electricity is of course only intended for less fortunate families. Of course there are special criteria to be able to use this type of electricity.

Meanwhile, non-subsidized electricity is used for household needs that are classified as capable, business needs, to government agencies.

4. Price Difference

Based on Law 30/2007 concerning Energy, the Government and Regional Governments provide subsidy funds for disadvantaged groups of people.

In line with this, the mandate of Law 30/2009 concerning Electricity also states that the Government and Regional Governments provide funds for disadvantaged groups of people. The difference between subsidized and non-subsidized electricity is at the applicable tariff, which is IDR 1,400 – IDR 1,500 per kWh for the basic tariff for non-subsidized customers.

Meanwhile, subsidized customers will receive subsidized tariffs from the government so that the tariffs will be cheaper. Subsidized customers only need to pay IDR 400– IDR 600 per kWh depending on the type of power.